The League will be Co-Ed. Primarily indoors. Teams will be made of athletes with and without disabilities, focusing on giving everyone the opportunity to experience success.
If you have concerns about your child’s ability to participate, or if you feel like your child would be a good fit but doesn’t meet the age range as described, please let us know. Our goal is to adapt play to allow any athlete to participate in a meaningful way.
Teams will be a mix of groups that we are calling Athletes, Partners and Helpers. An Athlete is a child with a physical or developmental disability. A Partner is a sibling or friend of an athlete on the field, who is there to play alongside their athlete in a teammate role but may provide minor assistance as needed. A Helper is a non-participant in the game whose role is to assist an Athlete with tasks that are difficult to perform based on their challenges. Examples of a Helper’s role could be to follow an Athlete and direct them where they should be going during the game, pushing a wheelchair, catching a ball and handing it to an Athlete, etc. There is no cost or fee for having a Helper participate with your child, but we expect Partners to register (there is a significant sibling discount).
This program is designed to teach players the fundamentals of the game and how to work as a team. Rules will be adapted as needed to accommodate the strengths and limitations of the children on each team and will be fluid.
What's Included?
Our season runs 7 weeks long. Week 1 will be a skills assessment day where we will try to pair children onto teams in which all Athlete’s are able to make a meaningful contribution. Sessions during weeks 2-6 will consist of 45 minutes of skills development, and 45 minutes of playing games. Week 7 will be the “Grand Finale,” and be all games.
Participants will be supplied with equipment and jerseys needed to play the game. The jerseys will be yours to keep. Your registration fee also covers field/facility rental, and insurance. There are no hidden costs. Kids just need to wear shoes appropriate for a gym floor.
Following the season we will have a celebration party where each child is honored for their unique contributions.
Sign me up
The cost is set at $100 for your first child. A sibling discount is in place so that the price for adding the first sibling drops $50, for a total of $150. Additional children, after the first, receive a $20 discount and so are $80 each.
If cost is a barrier for your family, please do not hesitate to reach out. We really want everyone to be able to participate.
Athletes should fall in the 8-14 age range at the start of the season, but siblings that are enrolled as Partners can be any age, as long as they are under 18 for the duration of the season. If a child without a disability that is not a sibling of an Athlete would like to participate as a Partner, they are welcome, and would fall into the age 8-14 requirement.
There is no cost for having a Helper participate with your child. You do not need to register a Helper, you just need to note they will be attending on the registration page. Remember, Helpers do not play, they just provide direct assistance for your Athlete.
Clicking the registration button will take you to a third party registration site where you will create an account for yourself as the guardian, and then it will guide you to add your child(ren).